--- trunk/TODO 2009/01/09 16:02:33 969 +++ trunk/TODO 2009/01/31 13:06:58 1029 @@ -56,19 +56,21 @@ + complete port of Frey::View::NoPager + remove defunct Continuity and HTTP::Engine server + version bump [0.26] -- refactor Fey::ObjectBrowser and Frey::ObjectDesigner to Frey::ORM classes so Fey works with Mojo -- test every sinle peace of existing code ++ Frey::ScrapBook sponge generator +- remove Fey parts +- implement RDBMS support with DBIx::Class +- test every single peace of existing code - version bump [0.27] +- command-line runner using MooseX::Getopt - rename Frey::Web::re_html -> html_regex for better readability - fix request_url to pass current url to actions - rename tests for Frey::View(s) - check pipe invocation is valid for next pipe element ? fix markup return value to return, err.. page object? instead of wantarray which doesn't really work [mostly fixed] -- implement again Fey support to get database support back -- implement HTTP::Engine server again - check why Frey::Types Uri work while MooseX::Types::URI doesn't - browse forward/next widget -- use Scope::Guard (or something similar) to expire objects? +? use Scope::Guard (or something similar) to expire objects +? use Sub::Introspect for extra introspection ? use HTML::AsSubs or Template::Refine for tempating - YUI compressor http://beardscratchers.com/journal/compressing-css-and-javascript-with-yui-compressor - GeoRSS examples http://geoserver.org/display/GEOSDOC/GeoRSS @@ -78,3 +80,11 @@ - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/10/18/charts-and-graphs-modern-solutions/ - Canvas GraphViz http://canviz.googlecode.com/svn/canviz/trunk/ - http://halobrite.com/blog/jquery-pageslide/ +- Devel::Caller or http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=25807 +- http://www.quirksmode.org/presentations/VTM2007/javascriptRescue.pdf +- http://motherrussia.polyester.se/jquery/panview/ for Frey::Class::Graph +- http://raphaeljs.com/ for vector graphics +- http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/ Open Flash chart 2 +- http://blog.html.it/layoutgala/ layout gala CSS layouts +- http://www.trirand.com/blog/ jQuery Grid Plugin +- http://www.isocra.com/2008/02/table-drag-and-drop-jquery-plugin/