--- trunk/TODO 2008/07/17 18:00:55 158 +++ branches/mojo/TODO 2008/11/01 13:06:31 228 @@ -6,7 +6,13 @@ + partial label editor [0.13] + label editor with save to disk as yaml + generate "static" html pages from methods with markup call [0.14] ++ embed small css files in page as optimization for round-trips to server ++ create required params form for ->markup calls [0.15] ++ remove HTTP::Engine and port Frey::Designer to Frey::Run [0.16] ++ refactor callback types into Frey::Run [0.17] +- check why Frey::Types Uri work while MooseX::Types::URI doesn't - make reaload actually work (need to mungle with path-based Continuity session or something) - browse forward/next widget -- embed small css files in page as optimization for round-trips to server - use Scope::Guard (or something similar) to expire objects? +? use HTML::AsSubs or Template::Refine for tempating +- YUI compressor http://beardscratchers.com/journal/compressing-css-and-javascript-with-yui-compressor